JSU Marching Southerners

Marching Southerners Absence Policy

Unexcused Absences

After the FIRST unexcused absence from a rehearsal, the student’s grade for the class is deducted by one letter grade.

After the SECOND unexcused absence from a rehearsal, the student’s grade for the class is deducted by another letter grade. The student may also be subjected to alternate status at the discretion of the directors.

After the THIRD unexcused absence from a rehearsal, the student will fail the class and be dismissed from the program. This will also involve the loss of any JSU Band scholarship that the student may have. 

If a student misses ANY performance without an absence request form being submitted AND approved by the directors, the student will fail the class and be dismissed from the program. This will also involve the loss of any JSU Band scholarship that the student may have.


Tardy Policy

Two tardies is equivalent to one UNEXCUSED absence. 

If you will be tardy to rehearsal due to a class conflict, you must notify the directors at the beginning of the semester via email. 

If you are tardy to rehearsal, you must check in with a GTA upon arrival. Otherwise, this will result in an unexcused absence.


Additional Information

*If you miss two or more rehearsals in a given week for any reason, excused or unexcused, you may be sidelined for the next performance at the discretion of the directors.* 

*Work-related absences will NOT be approved as excused absences. This includes RA responsibilities and university related employment.*

*Absence due to rehearsals or performances for other ensembles or pre-recital hearings will NOT be considered “excused” unless a JSU Sponsored Activity Form is attached to your request.*

 *Students with injuries that prevent them from marching are STILL required to attend rehearsals and participate from the sideline unless approved by the directors through email.*

Excused Absences

This year, students needing to excuse an absence from a rehearsal will have to fill out an absence request form. These forms are located at the bottom of this page. The form will need to be submitted by 12:00pm on the day of the rehearsal in which you wish to be excused. The directors will then review the form and either approve or deny your absence request form. If your absence request form is denied by a director, your absence will be considered unexcused for that day.

Listed below are the different circumstances that may permit a student for an excused absence:

  •  Illness (a doctor’s note must be uploaded on the absence request form)
  • JSU Sponsored Activity (a sponsored activity form must be uploaded on the absence request form)
  • Wedding (must be of an immediate family member, or wedding in which you are a bridesmaid or groomsman)
  • Funeral
  • Car trouble (must submit an absence request form AND let your section leader know as soon as you are aware of the issue)
  • Other (this can be specified in the comment section of the absence request form and is subject to approval by the directors/staff)
*If it is discovered that a student has falsified information regarding their excused absence, it will result in immediate dismissal from the program and loss of any JSU Band scholarship.*