JSU Marching Southerners

Frequently Asked


Do I have to have a scholarship to attend JSU, march in the Southerners, or be a music major?
No. Qualifying for a JSU scholarship (Band, Academic, etc.) will lessen the overall cost of attending JSU. You can still fully participate in the Marching Southerners, concert ensembles, etc. without being on scholarship.

Do I have to be a music major to march Southerners?
No. The Marching Southerners are made up of a very diverse group of Majors and Minors from around campus.

I can’t make it to JSU for the posted audition times! What do I do?
Contact the band office as soon as possible, and they will work out an alternate audition for you.

Band Office Phone: 256-782-5517

Do I have to be accepted to JSU to march Southerners?
Yes. Insurance requirements mandate that all people in the band are enrolled for the class. You can’t enroll for the class if you’re not enrolled in the University. Be sure to enroll in the Marching Southerners course (REQUIRED) at Orientation/before the Semester begins!

How do I enroll at JSU?
Visit www.jsu.edu/undergraduate/apply/ for all the info you’ll need. If you have further questions, either talk to your high school guidance counselor or call the Admissions Office at 1-800-231-5291, ext. 5268 and they will be happy to answer any questions regarding admissions.

Do I have to be a music major to receive a scholarship?
No, you do not. You only need to meet the requirements for audition (scales, sight reading, prepared piece).